Moor bei Sonnenschein

We let the moors grow again.

A comeback for climate protection.

For the moors: our commitment.


They came with the end of the Ice Age and are now one of our key allies in the fight against global warming: moors. We want to protect them – because we need them to protect us.

We offer advanced mobility services and assume responsibility for the future. This is why we see climate protection as a fundamental element of our actions. In this area, too, we look for efficient solutions that we actively promote in partnership with others. Since 2008, we have been working with NABU e.V. (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) to support moorland protection as a highly effective measure of climate protection.

Moorschutz ist Klimaschutz.

Moore galten lange Zeit als unwegsam und gefährlich. Heute weisen sie uns den Weg in eine lebenswerte Zukunft. Denn intakte Moore gehören zu den wichtigsten Kohlenstoffspeichern der Welt. Obwohl sie nur noch 3 % der weltweiten Landfläche bedecken, speichern sie 30 % des erdgebundenen Kohlenstoffs. Ihre Zerstörung gefährdet die Artenvielfalt und beschleunigt den Klimawandel.

Protecting moorland is protecting the climate.

Moors were long considered inhospitable and dangerous. Today, they point the way to a future worth living. After all, intact moorlands are among the most important carbon reservoirs in the world. Although they now only cover 3% of the global land area, they store 30% of terrestrial carbon reserves. Their destruction endangers biodiversity and accelerates climate change.

Moorland protection up close

Meteorologist and science journalist Karsten Schwanke accompanied NABU on its peatland protection project, highlighting the special features of peatland landscapes and explaining why we need intact peatlands in the fight against the climate crisis. 

Das große Moor im Landkreis Gifhorn

Projects: living moors for a future worth living.

The protection and renaturalisation of moorland requires continuous advocacy and long-term commitment on the ground. Regional moorland protection projects are therefore the focus of our collaboration with NABU. Together, we have been able to save approximately 6,500 hectares of global moorland since 2008, some 640 hectares of which (the equivalent of nearly 900 football pitches) are in Germany.


Here, in one of Germany’s oldest nature reserves, active moorland protection only began in 1977. Since the foundation of our collaboration with NABU in 2008, however, we’ve been making progress all the faster.


Bog rosemary, cranberry, the cranberry blue butterfly and a hefty amount of carbon dioxide – the Lichtenmoor moorland near Nienburg/Weser is home to all of this and much more. This is the way it should stay – and flourish.